How to Cure Yourself to Coronavirus

Coronavirus or Covid-19 is a pandemic, spreaded across the entire country and creating tough situations for the government and public to live a usual and healthy life. As of now, this is the biggest pandemic the world is facing and fighting and there is no vaccine to treat this disease. It’s transmitted from one to another person and travels around 4 meter in the air.
Methods Used to Prevent Coronavirus
1. Wash Hands Carefully – Washing both hands carefully protects us from the coronavirus as it glues into the fingers and transmits inside the body. By using soap and sanitizer we can stop the spread of the virus.
2. Don’t Touch Face – We should not touch our face, nose, eyes or head usually. This virus lives on soft and hard surfaces upto 72 hours so, if you are touching your face without washing your hands it may cause the virus.
3. Stop Handshaking – As we know very well that it transmits through one man to another man, so we should avoid handshaking. Because we are not aware of the next person from which area he has come and what he has touched that may also cause an invitation to the coronavirus.
4. Use Mask – This virus travels in the air upto 4 meter, so if we are going outside of home, we should use a mask to break the transmission.
5. Coughing and Sneezing – Coughing, sneezing or normal fever are the key symptoms of coronavirus, so we should take care of it. By using a tissue or sneeze into the elbow, by not spitting anywhere and by staying at home is the great option to stop this.
6. Social Distancing – Maintaining social distancing is a big factor to combat coronavirus. If we are making a proper distance even in a group or family it may lead to stop spreading to the next level.
When to Consult a Doctor
If the major symptoms like coughing, sneezing, fever, or problem in breathing vary day by day and anyone is feeling unwell, it may increase the risk of coronavirus so they should consult the doctor. Sometimes it may cause normal viral symptoms because the major form of coronavirus can be seen 15 to days later. Hence, during these days the chances of infection can increase and other people can get infected if you are not consulting the doctor at the same time.